
"Open wide the doors for Christ!"


mary and baby jesusLord God, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and our patrons Martha and Mary of Bethany, we lift up these petitions to you:

Please respond, Merciful Lord, hear our prayer….

For today’s shepherds:

may they lead others to daily conversion, love of the Sacraments and Your words of Spirit and life, we pray...

For those discerning the call to the priesthood:

sustain them in courage and may they fan into flame the gift of God...

For the Diocese of Pittsburgh and the "On Mission For the Church Alive!" initiative:

may the Holy Spirit lead the way "building toward the future"...

For those who work for religious liberty around the world:

may their initiatives succeed for the sake of the common good…

For those who suffer with Christ in body, mind or spirit:

may they be renewed in strength and receive the healing touch of the Divine Physician...

For families in crisis:

may their members be strengthened as Mary was strengthened at the foot of the Cross…

For those who carry heavy burdens:

may God grant them perseverance in prayer…

For those who are too busy for God:

may Mary who listened to his words and Martha who served his needs intercede for them…

For those committed to the Pro-Life Movement:

most especially; for birth mothers and adoptive mothers and all who witness to sacrificial love…

For the family, the domestic Church:

may the love and support among its' members reflect the deep mystery of the Eucharist...

For children of divorce:

may their experience enkindle a deep respect for a covenant of love and fidelity…

For those who are unemployed:

may they grow in trust of the Author of all Sustenance...

For young people:

may they discover their gifts and use them to build up the Kingdom of God in the world…

For engaged couples and newlyweds:

may their love be a reflection of Christ's love for his Bride, the Church...

For those recently received into the Church:

may they never take the gift of faith for granted and attain the full stature of Christ...

For the dying:

may they find comfort in the presence of loved ones; and hope in the Risen Christ...

For those who mourn:

may they be comforted as Jesus promised…

For those who have died:

may they inherit the Kingdom through the mercy of God - now seeing, now hearing what God has ready for those who love Him…
                                                                                       Theresa M. Lopata, Alex R. Lopata

Let us pause for a moment of silence for those petitions we hold in the depths of our hearts known to God alone…


Lord God, may our prayers rise like incense before your throne. To your beloved Son, Martha said, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would never have died.” (Jn 11, 21)

Jesus said:

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Mt 18, 20)

“I am with you always…” (Mt 28, 20)

We believe He is with us always through the Word, the gift of the ministerial priesthood, one another and the sacraments. And we ask all these things through Christ Our Lord, AMEN.
the vatican
catholic diocese of pittsburgh